Jamaican cerasee is usually taken to clean one’s system. taken with garlic it is a great tea as while garlic lowers the blood pressure, cerasee heightens it.
It is also used to clean the outer skin, and some Jamaicans use it to scrub themselves when taking baths especially i the mineral waters of the island.
Some simply boil the cerasee, then make it cool and store to drink like regular water.
However, be warned. Sometimes this tea can actually make persons think they are cured from illnesses, simply because when taken in large portions the symptoms of illnesses such as cancers are hidden.
Be warned.
Jamaican Herbalist
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- .... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here
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